LouieWilliamsJr.com - "Me Gotta Blog Now"

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Welcome To The New Website "Me Gotta Blog Now"

Dear Reader,

This is my first venture into the world of "blogging".

To start, how about our favorite "Runaway Bride" and her fiancee. :)

For someone who expressed regret and remorse over all the pain, heartache, and expense she put everyone through, she sure loves those dollar signs. Here's the article from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (ajc.com) so you can see for yourself:


Only in America, folks, can you do such a terrible thing and become a celebrity. Never mind those of us who obey the law, truly love their spouses, and work hard for a living. Compared to "you know who", we're just pathetic slobs, I guess. Oh, well... only in America.

IMHO, if "you know who" were truly repentent, she'd take the money she'd be getting in her book and movie deals and do the following:

- Pay the City of Duluth and Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department the money it cost us, the hard-working, law-abiding taxpayers, for searching while she decided to go to Vegas.

- Donate the remainder to a Hispanic-related charity as a token of her repentance for blaming a Hispanic man for a kidnapping that never happened. (Can you say "racial profiling", boys and girls?)

What is really disappointing even more than "you know who's" escapades is the fiancee that apparently sees "dollar signs" and is going along with her latest opportunistic scheme.

Well, as the Kingsmen sang in "Louie, Louie", "me gotta go now".

Take care.

Louie :)