LouieWilliamsJr.com - "Me Gotta Blog Now"

Friday, September 30, 2005

Arrogant Politicians (Revisited)

In a follow-up to my last blog...

Georgia State Representative David Graves of Macon, in an apparent attack of conscience, or perhaps as a "CYA", has decided to drop his claim of legislative immunity, claiming that he was ill-advised by his attorney in the first place.

Please click here for the full AJC.com article.

According to an article in the Macon Telegraph, there is already talk among Georgia's state legislators to consider drafting a bill to either repeal the constitutional provision in question or otherwise modify it to, as State Senator Eric Johnson of Savannah put it, "prevent that clause from being abused".

Please click here for the full Macon Telegraph article.

Per the Georgia State Constitution, proposed amendments have to go before the voters in a statewide referendum and be approved accordingly, such as the most recent amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

If the Georgia General Assembly wants us to know that they truly respect our laws and freedoms, then they should vote unanimously for outright repeal of the amendment in question. Nothing less should suffice.

IMHO, the United States Constitution already protects each legislator through the 1st Amendment (freedom of speech) and the 14th Amendment (no denying anyone their freedom without due process of law), just as both amendments protect the everyday American citizen.

Also IMHO, a free press (again, see the 1st Amendment), in airing this story, helped bring about Mr. Graves's sudden "change of heart". Too many nations worldwide do not enjoy the freedoms we have, and as a result, their leaders abuse their citizens. If you don't believe it, then take a real good look at these places: Saddam's Iraq, the Taliban's Afghanistan, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union.

Finally, here's a little "food for thought"...

In 1776, our founding fathers had to use the bullet to win our freedom and sacrificed a whole heck of a lot in the process.

Today, thanks to their sacrifices and determination, we are able to use the ballot to keep our freedoms.


God bless America, God bless you, and please visit again.