Fred (1988-2005)
Yesterday, as he was just hours from the end, I found a suitable box to be his "casket" and dug the grave in our "tree island" in the middle of the backyard.
Just after 7 AM this morning, when Mary and I found him dead, we placed him in his "casket", took him to his final resting place, and gave him a decent burial next to the graves of our previous cats (Callie, who died 2 years ago at age 18, and Gabby, who left us much too soon just before Memorial Day at age 7).
Fred is survived not only by his loving "parents", but also by his fellow "kitty compartriots" Mini (a.k.a. "The Diva") and Mischief (a.k.a "Purr Boy"). Here are their photos:

Mini (Top Photo) and Mischief (Bottom Photo), also taken Thanksgiving, 2005.
For several years, Fred was the one faithful companion I had. I remember how he'd greet me at the door after a long day at the office, how he'd love to sit on my lap or otherwise on the armrest of my easy chair when I'd be sitting there, and especially how he loved his "kitty treats" during the last 2-3 years of his life.
When Mary entered my life, Fred was there and he welcomed her with open arms. Mary, the woman I am honored to have as my loving wife, is a "cat person", too, and she brought her 3 cats, Callie (1986-2003), Mini, and Mischief into my life. Gabby was a stray we "adopted" around this time 2 years ago and had nursed back to health. Sadly, in late May of this year, she crashed and died. :(
Fred, thank you for sharing your life with me and for being my faithful companion and buddy. May you enjoy your well-earned eternal place in "Kitty Heaven" with Callie and Gabby.
I love you... always have and always will, buddy! :)
That's all for now. Thanks for visiting and may you and yours have a happy and safe New Year.