LouieWilliamsJr.com - "Me Gotta Blog Now"

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Cast Your Vote And Support Our Troops

On July 4, 1776, delegates from the 13 British colonies along the Eastern Seaboard gathered in Philadelphia and adopted the world's greatest document against totalitarianism, the Declaration of Independence, which starts out as follows:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

They had grown tired of a central government that denied them any true voice, but yet exploited them and their resources for all it was worth. Initially, even though initial skirmishes broke out between rebellious colonists and British troops, the First Continental Congress sought to reconcile with London, but as a true despot, King George III and his government ignored their pleas. Finally, with no other means at their disposal, they mutually pledged to each other "our Lives, our fortunes and our sacred Honor", knowing that once the King received and read the document, they would be hunted down and executed for treason against the Crown.

Several of them did pay dearly through the loss of life, family, and fortune, but thanks to their sacrifices and that of those who fought the British armed forces, freedom and justice eventually prevailed when, October 19, 1781, Lord Cornwallis's troops surrendered to General George Washington at Yorktown, Virginia. For a "blueblood" such as Corwallis, it was utterly humiliating to hand over his sabre to a mere colonial commoner. He wished to hand it to Washington's ally, LaFayette, but LaFayette ordered him to give it to Washington instead. Wouldn't you have liked to have seen that one for yourself? :)

While the road was rocky for the fledgling United States of America, and despite disputes over slavery, state's rights, civil rights, and everything else imaginable, our ancestors managed to build what has become the greatest nation on Earth.

The point of this whole blog is that thousands upon thousands of Americans gave everything, up to and including their own lives, so that you and I can live in a place where we can be free to speak, publish, assemble, and determine who will be our leaders at every level, local, state, and national.

How can you best honor them? Here's how:

- Register to vote. If you are at least 18 years of age with no felony convictions, then you are eligible. On the very day I turned 18, I went straight to the Snellville City Hall and registered to vote. For more information, contact your local registrar's office.

- VOTE!!! It doesn't matter what your beliefs are, who your favorite candidate is, or what or who is on the ballot. If you have registered, then get off your butt and vote.

Oh yeah... just one more thing before I go...

There are thousands of people in our armed forces all over the globe who would appreciate your support very much, regardless of how you feel about Bush, Iraq, or Afghanistan. One of them is my little brother Chris, a naval officer stationed at the Pentagon, and you better believe I support him. If you are an armed forces member who is reading this blog, please know that I appreciate you as well. :)

Thank you for your visit, have a happy and safe Independence Day holiday, and please visit again.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Here's Your Sign

One of my favorite comedians is Bill Engvall, whose best-known routine is "Here's Your Sign".
The gist of if is that stupid folks should have to wear a sign saying "I'm Stupid!", so that the rest of us are aware that we can't depend on them.

For example, here's one of my favorites of his "Here's Your Sign" jokes:

Bill pulls into a gas station with a flat tire.

The attendant comes up to him, looks at the tire, and then looks at him and asks, "Did your tire go flat?".

Bill answers, "Nope. I was driving down the road and the other three just swelled right up.... here's your sign."

Recently, I thought of a couple of my own "Here's Your Sign" scenarios:

- You're studying for a test and someone comes up to you and asks, "Are you studying?", to which you may reply, "Nope. I'm just going through this book page-by-page to see how many words and pictures it has... here's your sign."

- You're having a production problem at work and have paged the on-call analyst, who calls you back and asks, "Is there a problem?", to which you may reply, "Nope. I was feeling lonely and just needed someone to talk to... here's your sign."

Perhaps you have some "Here's Your Sign" scenarios that you have thought of. Heaven know s the world is full of such incidents where you'd like to give a person the sign that says "I'm Stupid!" Listen to any of the "News of the Weird" or "Knuckleheads in the News" stories and you'll know exactly what I'm blogging about.

BTW, I firmly believe our favorite "runaway bride" should have to wear that sign herself, especially after her recent interview with Katie Couric... and please give one to her fiancee while you're at it, so that they can have "his and hers" matching signs.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks again for visiting and please come back soon.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Lions - People Helping People Everywhere

Over 4 years ago, when I was at a local Wal-Mart, I ran into a fellow Toastmaster wearing a yellow vest, carrying a bucket, and taking donations.

I was getting a drink from a soda machine and she came up to me asking, "Would you like to help the blind?". At that moment, I realized that she was a member of the local Lions Club, an organization dedicated to helping the blind and other less fortunate individuals in both our communities and throughout the world.

She and her fellow Lions honored me by inviting me to their local Lions Club and eventually to become a member. I did so.

Two years later, after Mary and I got married, I relocated to her house and community and transferred my Lions membership to the nearby Club, and I have been very active there since.

Lions was founded in 1917 by a Chicago businessman, Melvin Jones, and several of his colleagues, with the idea of giving back to the community that has helped them become successful in their respective industries. Their motto is a very simple one... "We Serve".
In 1925, Helen Keller spoke to the Lions at their International Convention and urged them to become "knights of the blind". From that point, they decided to focus their primary efforts on helping the blind and blindness prevention.

Thanks to Lions, countless numbers of less-fortunate people worldwide have received healthcare, eye surgeries, adequate housing, and in the case of the recent Asian tsunamis, relief supplies.

Lions have also given of their time and money to build ballfields for handicapped children through the Miracle League, send less fortunate children to camp, and support local food pantries and homeless-related programs.

For nearly 90 years, regardless of the project, Lions have worked hard and continue to do so, all for the betterment of their communities, their country, and their world.

Here are two major projects created and supported by Georgia's Lions Clubs:

- Georgia Lions Lighthouse in Atlanta, whose purpose is to help fund quality hearing and vision care for less-forturnate Georgia residents.

- Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind in Waycross, providing a safe and fun place for blind and other visually-impaired Georgians a place for recreation and rehabilitation.

Next time you see a Lion collecting donations in your community, please give what you can, for every penny you give will be used wisely to help others.

If you have old eyeglasses, hearing aids, or even old cellphones, then please donate them to the Lions. Chances are, your local vision center (Pearle, Wal-Mart, etc.) may have a drop-off box that was placed by a nearby Lions Club. All such donations are used in some way to help less-fortunate individuals both here and worldwide obtain necessary vision and hearing care.

For more information about Lions-supported programs, or if you wish to become a Lion yourself, then please visit either one of the following websites:

Lions International: www.lionsclubs.org
Lions of Georgia: www.galions.org

Lions everywhere greatly appreciate the public's support in their efforts to help others and gladly welcome both donations and new members.

Thanks again for your visit and please come again. :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

An Imperfect World

Ladies and Gentlemen, our favorite "runaway bride" is at it again.

Tonight, NBC will be airing the interview Katie Couric did with her and her fiancee. (I'll be at a Lions Club meeting, so you know *I* won't waste my time watching her go on-an-on.)

According to "you know who", her reason for fleeing town was that she was afraid of "an imperfect world". For more details, here's the article from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (ajc.com):


NEWS FLASH: This *is* an imperfect world! Get over it!!!

Over 30 years ago, country singer Lynn Anderson had a smash hit on both the country and pop charts with a Joe South-penned song "I Never Promised You A Rose Garden", in which the song's refrain contained the following line:

"Along with the sunshine, there's gotta be a little rain sometimes."

From the day that we are born until the day we leave this world, we will be faced with this "imperfect world" and situations that will try us (the proverbial "rain"). The people who succeed in life are those who have learned very well how to deal with less-than-ideal situations and make the best of it.

As a Christian, I believe that Jesus was the only perfect person, who was despised, mocked, and crucified by imperfect people. Through his resurrection, we, as imperfect people, are offered the keys to salvation and, ultimately, a place in His perfect kingdom, so long as we believe and accept Him. As imperfect people, we really need these things to help us deal with this so-called "imperfect world".

Hopefully, "you know who", through counseling and therapy, will overcome her issues and move on with her life. Still, I don't believe that she should profit financially or publicity-wise from the bad choices she made.

Finally, as some further "food for thought", here's a quote from motivational speaker Willie Jolley:

"A setback is a setup for a comeback."

Thanks again for visiting LouieWilliamsJr.com and please come back soon. :)

Monday, June 20, 2005

Classic Rock vs. Today's Music

Nearly a couple of months ago, the folks at Clear Channel decided to turn Atlanta station Cool 105.7, a '60s and '70s oldies station, into a Spanish-speaking station, which, for a while, disappointed me.

However, I soon rediscovered their sister station, Atlanta's venerable "96 Rock" , which has always played *real* rock, not the "Britney and Backstreet" rubbish you hear way too much on Top 40 radio.

It had been years since I listened to "96 Rock" and thanks to them, I rekindled my love of the real good stuff by such artists as AC-DC, Bad Company, Def Leppard, the Eagles, Bob Seger, 38 Special, and of course the 2 greatest Southern rock bands of all... Macon's Allman Brothers and Jacksonville's Lynyrd Skynyrd.

The afternoon drivetime crew on 96rock consists of the team of "Southside" Steve Rickman (a Georgia boy) and Tim Rhodes, known as "Southside and Rhodes". These guys are hilarious. Let me warn you, however, that their show is not exactly "family friendly" (language, sexual innuendo, etc.), but when you're stuck in traffic, their on-air antics (not to mention the classic rock) really help make the commute more bearable.

As for recent artists, I think that fellow North Georgia alum, singer/songwriter Shawn Mullins (www.shawnmullins.com, www.smgrecords.com), is one of the most underappreciated artists out there today. I had bought at least 5 of his CD's, including "The Thorns", and find that he is not just a singer cranking out pre-fabricated tunes, but an artist in the true sense. His music draws from such diverse influences as James Taylor (one of my personal favorites), Hank Williams, Sr., and Crosby, Stills, and Nash.

A few years ago, I met Shawn not once, but twice (at Eddie's Attic in Decatur and at North Georgia, when the Alumni Association honored him with a 2001 Young Alumnus award).Despite the fame and fortune he has experienced, I can truly say that Shawn is a down-to-earth "good ol' boy" at heart. Perhaps one of these days, radio and record companies will realize that he's much more than just the "Lullaby" guy from 1999.

In the meantime, I will stick with my classic rock and continue to stay as far away from the "Britney and Backstreet" rubbish as I can.

Thanks for visiting LouieWilliamsJr.com and I hope you come back soon.

Friday, June 17, 2005

My Wife, My Dad, and The Smoking Gun

Happy Anniversary, Mary!!!

This week marked the second anniversary of my marriage to my best friend in the world, my wife Mary. :)

On June 14, 2003, behind the “chicken house” on her parents’ farm just north of Rome, GA, we exchanged our vows with both of our immediate families present. The service was officiated by her father, a retired Methodist minister.

Mary and I met back in the Fall of 1993 at a Toastmasters conference in Marietta, GA, and were good friends for several years. In August of 2001, at the Toastmasters International Convention in Anaheim, CA, we “kicked it up a notch”. Several months later (April, 2002), I asked her to marry me, we got married over a year later, and it has been the best thing that ever happened to me.

Mary, thank you for the love, support, and companionship that you have given me and I can never repay you enough. As Randy Travis once sang, “I’m gonna love you forever and ever, amen.” :)

Happy Father’s Day, Dad!

Over 40 years ago, I came into this world and into the loving arms of two wonderful parents who had just started a life together less than 4 years earlier.

My dad, Louie, Sr., has been a wonderful parent who believed in the right balance between love and discipline, something I don’t seem to see in too many dads these days.

His love, encouragement, and the occasional “kick in the butt” were the things that helped me become the law-abiding, educated person I am today. I am also proud to say that he also contributed to the success and well-being of my brother, Chris, a Naval Academy grad who proudly serves Uncle Sam as a naval officer in D.C., and my sister, Laura, who has a great job as a computer trainer and helpdesk support analyst in Atlanta.

He is also the proud grandfather of my niece, Stella, a child Laura and her husband Lib adopted from Kazakhstan 2 years ago as an infant, and the newest addition to the family, my newborn nephew Zach, the child of Chris and his wife, Fariha. To them, he is “Papa”, the name that Laura, Chris, and I called our paternal grandfather, who went to be with the Lord over 30 years ago.

Mary and I will be visiting my parents this weekend and I hope that you will do the same with yours.

Happy Father’s Day to Chris, Lib, and most of all, my dad!!! :)

And finally...

Celebrity Mugshots From “The Smoking Gun”

If you’re ever interested in seeing the mugshots of various famous and infamous people, especially actors and singers who have had brushes with the law, then I highly recommend you visit The Smoking Gun (TSG) website (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/).

TSG also contains such information as Terri Schiavo’s autopsy report, and various other legal and forensic documents related to famous folks.

Here’s the direct web link to the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Department mugshot of our favorite “Runaway Bride”:


Can you say “deer in the headlights”, boys and girls?

One of my personal mugshot favorites is this one of long-since-has-been singer Glen Campbell, who was busted a couple of years ago for DUI in Phoenix, AZ:


Boy, does he look drunk, old, and decrepit.

While in his highly inebriated state, Glen “serenaded” his Phoenix police captors by singing “Rhinestone Cowboy” (the biggest hit of his career) over and over and over again, plus constantly reminded them that “I’m Glen Campbell!!!” When that didn’t work, he kicked the cop duty sergeant in the groin.

Like many celebs (even has-beens) who have run-ins with the law, he got a “slap on the wrist” (10 days in a cushy jail cell away from the general popluation, and for his “community service”, he had to do a free show for the pink-and-white clad inmates at the Maricopa County “Tent City” Jail. His set included, of all songs, the old Bobby Bare song “I Wanna Go Home”.)

To Glen’s credit, he’s a very talented musician and I enjoy his music from the 60’s and 70’s, especially the songs that songwriter Jimmy Webb wrote for him (“By The Time I Get To Phoenix”, “Galveston”, etc.), but I’m not exactly happy that celebs such as him get “star treatment” behind bars compared to the rest of those poor slobs who are “cuffed and stuffed”.
Before I go, here's one more of my "favorites" from TSG:
Lesson #1, Boys and Girls: Don't tell people you like to have little boys in your bed!!! (Can you say "pervert"?)
Well, that’s all for today. Thanks for visiting and please come back again.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Welcome To The New Website "Me Gotta Blog Now"

Dear Reader,

This is my first venture into the world of "blogging".

To start, how about our favorite "Runaway Bride" and her fiancee. :)

For someone who expressed regret and remorse over all the pain, heartache, and expense she put everyone through, she sure loves those dollar signs. Here's the article from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (ajc.com) so you can see for yourself:


Only in America, folks, can you do such a terrible thing and become a celebrity. Never mind those of us who obey the law, truly love their spouses, and work hard for a living. Compared to "you know who", we're just pathetic slobs, I guess. Oh, well... only in America.

IMHO, if "you know who" were truly repentent, she'd take the money she'd be getting in her book and movie deals and do the following:

- Pay the City of Duluth and Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department the money it cost us, the hard-working, law-abiding taxpayers, for searching while she decided to go to Vegas.

- Donate the remainder to a Hispanic-related charity as a token of her repentance for blaming a Hispanic man for a kidnapping that never happened. (Can you say "racial profiling", boys and girls?)

What is really disappointing even more than "you know who's" escapades is the fiancee that apparently sees "dollar signs" and is going along with her latest opportunistic scheme.

Well, as the Kingsmen sang in "Louie, Louie", "me gotta go now".

Take care.

Louie :)